Power Packed Plant Protein Sources

My TOP 5 Plant Protein Sources

SO WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR PROTEIN? I decided to answer this question for people who are interested in transitioning to a plant based diet but are hesitant due to the big protein myth around plant based sources of protein. I also decided to write this post for those who honestly don’t know about high quality plant sources of protein. While the modern vegan and vegetarian culture places a lot of emphasis on mock meats as an adequate source of plant based protein. I’d like to shift the focus to getting protein from whole foods that are present in nature as a reliable source of plant based protein. The plant world offers adequate and sufficient protein sources that are easily recognizable by the body and sufficient in meeting our daily requirements.

So What is Protein?

In short, protein is essentially made up of  building blocks referred to as amino acids. Proteins are considered complete when they contain all eight essential amino acids and incomplete when all essential amino acids are not present. Our bodies make their own supply of amino acids but it is also important for us to get some of them from our food.

Why Do We Need Protein?

  • to provide the body with energy
  • growth and development of the body
  • hormone production
  • growth an repair of our tissues

What Are Adequate Sources of Plant Based Protein?

My top 5 plant sources of protein are:








Leafy Green Vegetables

Nutritious Wet Kale

Nuts and Seeds

chia, flax and hemp seeds





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